Alfamale - Escort in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, GA
Última conexión: Private
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Atlanta, GA
GPS Atlanta, GA
Distancia N/A
mis datos
Soy Preguntame
Edad 32
Origen étnico Negro
Cuerpo Atlético
Estatura 6'4" - 190 cm
Peso 225lbs - 103 kg
Color de ojos Castaños
Estado de salud
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Mis detalles

Tall, dark, handsome, educated and very open mind.

Ex-college athlete exploring new things, situations and people/groups. Laid back with great vibes in the bedroom I’m a lion in the jungle absolute ruler. There’s a soft side to this Alfa Lion that’s contagious and absolutely lovably with a hung best friend.

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