ExoticEgypt - Pre-op TS Escort in Cherry Hill, NJ

Cherry Hill, NJ
Última conexión: 04 Oct, 2020
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Cherry Hill, NJ
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mis datos
Soy Pre-op
Edad 28
Origen étnico Raza mixta
Cuerpo Gordito
Rol Activa/Versátil
Estatura 6'2" - 184 cm
Peso 195lbs - 88 kg
Cabello Rubio
Color de ojos Ambar
Senos Medianos
Tamaño del Pene 9 In - 22cm
Nalgas Trasero grande y redondo
Disponible para Hombres
Estado de salud
Mi casa 250
Tu casa 500
Por Noche 2000
Travestis escorts en Cherry Hill, NJ
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ExoticEgypt's blog

  • ExoticEgypt

    Why do clients play on phones

    Publicado por ExoticEgypt

    I’m begging to lose faith in my trade I do t not understand why I take the time to write in my bio if clients don’t read it I’m someone who hates repeating themselves soo why do I put my self through it ... if u ever called me and I hung up because of a question u asked just got back and read I’m sure you’ll find your answer

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