Jully_Tranny - Shemale Escort in Paris, France

Paris, France
Última conexión: 15 Feb, 14:00
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Paris, France
map me
Mis datos
Soy Shemale
Edad 22
Origen étnico Raza mixta
Cuerpo Delgado
Rol Versátil
Estatura 6'3" - 187 cm
Peso 175lbs - 79 kg
Cabello Marrón
Color de ojos Gris
Tamaño del Pene 7 In - 17cm
Nalgas Pequeñas
Disponible para Hombres
Estado de salud
Mi casa 200
Tu casa 350
Por Noche N/A
Travestis escorts en Paris, France
Este sitio prohíbe cualquier oferta o solicitud de prostitución. La información proporcionada es sólo para fines de entretenimiento, y cualquier actividad que se realice fuera de este sitio está fuera de nuestro control y está destinada a ser estrictamente entre adultos que consienten.

Jully_Tranny's blog

  • Jully_Tranny

    BACK TO PARIS 2018

    Publicado por Jully_Tranny

    Hello fellows, i am here again.
    did you miss me?
    I think so!
    Call me and book your time

  • Jully_Tranny

    Amazing Dutch guys, I am back

    Publicado por Jully_Tranny

    This Sunday 17th of september i am coming to spend a good time in Amsterdam. I love that city so much and i can't wait to be there. See ya :*

  • Jully_Tranny

    Last days in Paris

    Publicado por Jully_Tranny

    hey Lovers.
    I am in last days in Paris, so don't miss out.
    drop me a call right now to make an appointment.

    i'll be waiting for you so horny and dressing sexy lingerie.


    Love Jully

  • Jully_Tranny

    The Sexiest tranny has arrived in Paris

    Publicado por Jully_Tranny

    Hello french guys.

    I am just arrived in Paris and i am so excited to explore this amazing city and of course be the sexiest tranny in town Lol

    I hope you really enjoy this time when i am here to come over and have fun with me.

    dont hesitate.

    drop me a call right away to details
    It will be my pleasure to receive you on my bed

    with so much love

    Jully Praxedes


  • Jully_Tranny

    C'mon Guys you gonna miss me out?

    Publicado por Jully_Tranny

    What r u waiting for?
    Come to see me and lets have fun coz you deserve it.

    I will be so fucking horny waiting for you at home. 😈

    Love Jully Tranny.

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