AUDRYNA_MEGAN - Pre-op TS Escort in Osaka, Japan

Osaka, Japan
Última conexión: 21 Mar, 2020
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Ubicación base Osaka, Japan
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mis datos
Soy Pre-op
Edad 27
Origen étnico Raza mixta
Cuerpo Atlético
Rol Activa/Versátil
Estatura 5'7" - 167 cm
Peso 135lbs - 61 kg
Cabello Marrón
Color de ojos Castaños
Senos Pequeños
Tamaño del Pene 5 In - 12cm
Nalgas Trasero grande y redondo
Disponible para Hombres
Estado de salud
Mi casa 3
Tu casa 4
Por Noche 10
Travestis escorts en Osaka, Japan
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Holistic Real-aXXXation Audryna

Your Breath, Mind, and Body are about to have a much needed reunion in my bed.. don't miss it. 🦋

Instagram 📸: AudrynaCox
Whatsapp: +84764727416
LINE: angelicvibe369

For Discerning Gentlemen who need more than a fleeting skin gratification. A Multi sensory experience that delves deeper than a 'Get Off and Get Out' encounter. In my Sessions, the only thing that will hold value is You. All I ask is that you value my time in reciprocity.

This - is a rare and originally designed combination of Relaxation & Release Session that uses vibrational energy and multi sensory stimulation, that will have you walking away with not just a sweet smile on your face - but with a lighter, energised, and ready to Flow again kind of feeling.

A FULL-ON Human Experience of Sexuality, Intimacy and Connection that allows both you and me to embrace and enjoy attraction, nudity, touch, arousal, and sexual release in a heightened yet rooted manner.

You know you deserve more.

Audryna XOX
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    COVID-19 Crisis. In Calm & Caution We'll Prevail

    Publicado por AUDRYNA_MEGAN

    I'll need a whole page/s for thousands of characters for what I really want to say for the title, but, will just get down to the essentials. I think the whole world is in a "WTF is happening?" mode, or for others, "What in fucking hell did you do this time China?" because you know, this isn't the first time a virus that spread out came from the PRC. No hate for China y'all but, facts. Hygiene can't be just stated like that anymore. HYGIENE. Wash hands as frequently as possible. Let's all hope the leaders and scientists, and medical experts tackling the pandemic rise to contain this. And as they do, let's all cooperate. Wishing everyone's safety and good health, and oh, Happy Friday 💋

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