Ashley_Aspen - Mujer Trans Escort in Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas, NV
Última conexión: 3 hours ago
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Las Vegas, NV
GPS Las Vegas, NV
Distancia N/A
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Mis datos
Soy Mujer Trans
Edad 25
Origen étnico Caucásico
Cuerpo Delgado
Rol Versátil
Estatura 6'1" - 182 cm
Peso 175lbs - 79 kg
Cabello Rubio
Color de ojos Avellana
Senos Grandes
Tamaño del Pene 8 In - 20cm
Nalgas Mediano
Disponible para Todo
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos Yes
Piercings Yes
Thickness Very thick
Estado de salud
Estado de VIH Negative, on PrEP
Mi casa 550
Tu casa 550
Por Noche 2900
Travestis escorts en Las Vegas, NV
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Mis detalles

Tall with a Personal Warmth

Welcome, thank you so much for being here. I want to share an experience with you, where we both indulge a warmth and transcend ourselves. These refreshing moments are uniquely valuable and the memories last forever. Relishing the present has long been a panacea for stress; let me unburdon you. With me the freedom to play and discover ourselves is incredibly fulfilling.

I'm 6'1", educated and longer dates are my specialty. I'm very curious and want to first know you, then share myself. In person even more than in my adult film career, there's much to partake. All aspects, from head to toe, are large and reach a depth to be appreciated. I'm comfortable with both taking control of a situation and relinquishing it.

While I love excitement, I also believe in playing it safe. Covering the cost of transporation and incidentals up front demonstrates an important seriousness in securing my trust. Cleanliness is another aspect I have a strong appreciation for and a necessity for us always.
Social Connections

Ashley_Aspen's blog

  • Ashley_Aspen

    Living In Vegas

    Publicado por Ashley_Aspen

    I'm now living in Las Vegas, splitting my time between here and LA.

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Entrevista de Ashley_Aspen

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