Asiantsdoll - Pre-op TS Escort in Palm Springs, CA

Palm Springs, CA
Última conexión: 02 Nov, 2024
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Palm Springs, CA
GPS Palm Springs, CA
Distancia N/A
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Mis datos
Soy Pre-op
Edad 25
Origen étnico Asiático
Cuerpo Slim
Rol Pasiva/Versátil
Estatura 5'6" - 164 cm
Peso 140lbs - 63 kg
Cabello Negro
Color de ojos Castaños
Senos Medianos
Tamaño del Pene 7 In - 17cm
Nalgas Trasero grande y redondo
Disponible para Hombres
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos Yes
Piercings Yes
Smoking No
Thickness Thick
Estado de salud
Estado de VIH Negative
Travestis escorts en Palm Springs, CA
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Mis detalles


I guarantee the ultimate TS experience. Here is your chance to make your fantasy a reality! Very upscale and elite girl, take great pride in my experience.

Why settle for anything less, when you can have the best? Asian, totally feminine TS girl. I'm completely passable. I have an amazingly sensuous model's body - smooth and supple, educated & classy. All of my photos are recent & I look exactly the same in person when you come to see me. FaceTime verification preferred.

First timer, or simply curious, you'll feel completely comfortable with me. I'm very discreet. Spend some time with me & you'll forget how we met in the first place!

New friends need to be lightly screened; please realize that this is for my safety, and once done I will be totally in the right mood to surpass all of your expectations.

Contact me when you are ready to meet and see for yourself! Talk to you soon.
X: GiaGunn
IG: Gia_Gunn
Snapchat: Giagunnofficial
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  • asiantsdoll

    Visiting Seattle

    Publicado por asiantsdoll

    Hey babes I’m visiting Seattle for a couple days and staying in BELLEVUE area. Would love to connect while I am here! 424-535-6417 TS MIA

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Entrevista de asiantsdoll

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What have you learned from your mistakes in life?

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